首页 > 玄幻小说 > 死在火星上故事梗概 > 对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释

对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释(第2/9 页)

最新玄幻小说小说: 西瓜吃西瓜直踏青云之巅修真界甩锅第一重生植物吸收全宇宙成为世界之主我孙连城心怀宇宙,钟小艾慕了天降长生道果,我苟道躺平修仙天王战神之崛起我自毁修为后,全世界都后悔了终极一班:开局仆人模板玄修成神洪荒衍道纪港片:从靓坤开始制霸港九新界葬佛葬魔葬仙神,葬万古岁月让你低调潜伏,你成特高科长了?求仙问道录红楼:女扮男装我做了林黛玉继兄社会你彪哥的民国生涯莲花楼之四妙枪仙真仙决宇宙为局,众生为子

er four pls thatiseasierfollow the systenbsp;foiven tegratio present, the lonst nurical tegrations publishedjournals are thoseduncan ap;ap; lissaue theirtart was the effectry orbits, they perforp;ap;ap; lissauerap;ap;039;s paper, but they decrease theof the sun graduallytheir nuricabecae they nsider the effectry orbits, which cana typical p;ap;ap; lissauer al perford four sir expertsthe orbital tionseven pls venneptune, which vepan109 yr their expertsthe seven pls are not yetap;ap;nbspprehensive, butsee that the terrestrial pls al re stable durg the tegration period, tag alst regur osciltions

on the other hand,his urate seanalytical secur perturbation theory skar 1988, skar fds that r and irregur variations can appearthe entricities and ctionsthe terrestrial pls, especiallyrcury and arsa tiscaleseveral 109ska resultsskarap;ap;039;s secur perturbation theory shouldnfird and vestigatedfully nurical tegrations

this paperpresent prery resultssix longternbsp;nurical tegra





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